Top 10 steps to get a job in Australia within a month of search

 In Career Corner, Student Corner

Are you looking for casual, full time or part time jobs in Australia? Tired of applying for jobs?  Frustrated? Do not know anyone, who can help you? If you are looking for answers for all these questions, then this is definitely for you.

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Searching for a job as a student or expat in Australia is a tiresome process. When I was a student, I knew only one website called that listed jobs.

Luckily, I did some research about jobs before moving to Australia and that’s how I found out about Otherwise, I would not have known anything.

I get many emails or messages from students, asking about how to secure part time job. And sometimes they are very frustrated that they have tried many ways but no call from the employer. I do totally understand this; because I was in similar situation as a student. However, after many endless efforts, I was able to secure a good part time corporate job. This all happened within a month of arriving in Australia. I could not have achieved it without following the below strategies.

I have brought this article to share them and may help you to secure employment in Australia.

You may think I may be lucky but my brother ended up in corporate job just after 2 months of his arrival with the same strategies. Hence, I am confident these strategies work for anyone to secure a job.

#1. Decide what type of jobs you want to apply for

Firstly, think about what sort of jobs you want to apply for. As a student, it is good to secure as many jobs as you can. While working in a fixed part time role, you can do some jobs as side hustles to pay off your living expenses.

If you have skills, experience and knowledge, then you can apply for work from home jobs or part time casual jobs in various fields as freelancers or seasonal or casual.

If you don’t know own any skills or no prior experience, then casual jobs in large supermarkets or retail organisations are the best to choose as a student. These are easy to secure as well. It is easy only, when you try in the right direction.

Just a little note, at the same time; do not ignore your studies in the midst of earning part time income. Completing studies is your priority and that’s what you are here for.

#2. Prepare Resume accordingly

Recently, I have seen a post, girl requesting the face book group members to let her know if any casual jobs available and the sources to apply for jobs. She mentioned that she was trying hard for the last 6 months but was unable to secure one.

I felt bad and thought I will put my hand forward to help her out. I asked if she can forward her resume, so that I can review and make any changes if I can. Then she said she does not have one and she has to prepare it.

I was literally shocked. How can you search for a job without a resume?

It’s not only her, many students do not know (I was one of them too), they have to prepare a resume while searching for a job in Australia.

Yes, you need a good resume to get noticed by the employers. Prepare a good resume with all your strengths and the skills you have.



52+ Companies that offer jobs to international students in Australia

How to write a job winning resume


# 3.List down the job websites

When I was a student, I was not aware of many websites. I had applied only through seek website. Now there are many websites that offer student jobs on casual and permanent basis. I have listed some down for you here.

List them down and see which one suits you the best and try to register in all of them.

If you are looking for corporate job; Seek and Indeed are the best websites to find various job vacancies. Tailor your resume to the needs of the job description and change it to Australian requirements.

#4. Register and apply in as many websites as you can

Competition is high. One job application may receive hundreds of replies; so ensure your resume is unique and match to the needs of the recruiter.Searching job itself is a full time job. Apply to as many opportunities as you can in various websites, local newspapers and any where you come across.

I still remember; I applied for hundreds of jobs and eventually secured one at the end. My job search was a full time job – apply for jobs, tailor the resume, improve skills on what they are expecting. It was a continuous process for one month. At the end of the month, I have secured one after a lot of practice.

#5. Read and practice interview tips and tricks

Practice makes anyone perfect. This may sound silly; but reading and practicing interview questions well before hand help you to be proactive in attending the interview.

These days, there are many blogs, youtube channels to get more practical tips on interview questions. 

#6.Hand out resumes

After you apply in the website, go to physical store (if it is close by) and let them politely know that you have applied for the vacancy in their store. Talk to relevant people, this definitely helps them to pre-analyse your behaviour and may prefer you for the role.

Ensure you hand out resumes wherever you see vacancy outside the stores. Take handful of hard copy resumes’ with you, visit your local shopping centre and hand out them as many as you can for any potential job vacancies. 

#7. Present yourself

While undertaking the above process, ensure you present yourself good. Dress up to the occasion and look active and great.

Always ensure your first appearance should make the best impression. When you are attending the interviews; dress code is usually communicated via email. If it is not, ask the interviewer to ensure that you are getting ready as per their expectation.


#8. Follow up on the interviews attended

This is another great way of improving yourself for the next interview. Always ask for feedback if you attended an interview. Number of them gives you honest feedback. I strongly say this strategy helps as I took many feedbacks and improved myself.

If you handout the resume, visit the store again to find the status of the application. This helps you to understand what is working and not working.


#9. Learn from the mistakes

After the feedback, you will know where you went wrong. Improve on it and ensure you don’t repeat it again.

Sometimes, you may not be selected just because the other candidate was more suitable for the role. For example; you have no experience and the other has 2 years experience in the role. Then, ask if you can work voluntary for an hour or two to get some experience. They may say ‘no’ but be persistent; some will definitely accept it.

These are some websites you can try to register yourself as a volunteer:





#10. Apply again

Repeat the same process. You may find it annoying; but from my experience it works. Believe me! I spent 8-9 hours a day just applying for jobs and calling recruiters to know what they are expecting in the role. This worked for me and hopes it works for you too.


Bonus Tips:

  1. If you are a student and applying for jobs in retail organisations, apply in the areas where less number of students exists. This helps you to get into the door of recruitment quicker than usual.
  2. Try to apply for more jobs during festive season like Christmas and holiday seasons. There are more chances to secure one.
  3. Working for large organisation has more advantages than working for someone privately (cash in hand jobs). Some of the pros are superannuation paid and shopping discounts. You can work privately for cash in hand as a side hustle rather than mainstream income.
  4. Make your mind not to disappoint yourself, if you are not called for an interview. As I told you earlier, getting job is a long process and involves lot of efforts. So be patient and persist.
  5. Practice interview questions. This helps you to answer them confidently while you are in front of the interviewer.
  6. Don’t think only students or fresh graduates have tough time in finding the job. Job finding is time consuming process for anyone even for experienced candidates. Sometimes, the jobs you applied are internally taken by someone and may have many reasons for not selecting you. So, don’t get discouraged; keep applying until you get one.
  7. Getting a job without local experience is hard, but not achievable. Do some research after you decide to study abroad. So you can start from Day one.
  8. Refer to local newspapers, you also find some opportunities there as well.
  9. Start job search as soon as you arrived in Australia, this helps you to understand the environment quickly and can secure job before you run out your initial funds. 




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