My journey from student to Permanent Resident of Australia

There are many myths about student life in Australia more negative and less positive. I want to bring my story and explain how I succeeded as a student: I came from a middle class family, born [...]


Top list items to pack when you are travelling first time to Australia

Have you recently been granted student visa or Permanent Resident visa to Australia? Are you travelling to Australia soon? Do not know what to pack within the limit of the baggage weight given? [...]


How to get positive skills assessment for Australian migration

Are you looking for positive skills assessment and want to know how can you achieve it? please read the below: When I came to Australia as an International Student, I was lucky to get the job in [...]


Australian curriculum for Graduate and post graduate courses

As per Australian immigration records, 343,035 students migrated to Australia from Jul 16 to Jun 17 from over 16 countries*. Students come from various corners of the world and from different [...]


Easy to grow medicinal herbs in Australian gardens

Have you ever thought of growing any medicinal herbs in your backyard apart from coriander and mint? There are some herbs  not only provide beauty to your garden but numerous health benefits to [...]


How to get your Permanent Residency visa as an International student in Australia

189 is a subclass number for skilled Independent visa. This is one of the visas that make you Permanent Resident of Australia and eligible to avail government and free health benefits. This visa [...]


Top 5 distractions to stay away for successful completion of studies in Australia

Studies need concentration and dedication to complete them on time to settle in your career life. We would be very happy if this was an easy process, practically not, we as a student would be [...]


My living costs as a student in Australia

Sydney is the Business Capital city of Australia. The living costs in Sydney are much higher than the other cities of Australia followed by Melbourne. Most of the students choose to study in [...]


How to choose a Suburb to live in Australia?

Australia is expanding its cities day by day. There are many new suburbs born in the last 5 years with new infrastructure. Especially cities like Sydney and Melbourne are expanding its breadth [...]