Thank you for visiting my blog!

My name is Santoshi Reddy, a wife, mother, blogger and a qualified Accountant living in Sydney.

I came to Australia as a student in the year 2006 to study Master of Accounting from University of Ballarat (now called Federation University).

After completing Master of Professional Accounting, I have also completed CPA from CPA Australia. 

I hail from a small village of southern part of India.Being raised up in a small village with beginner English skills, I never thought Australia would be my destiny and lead the life the way I wanted. Student life in Australia has transformed me to a better person. I have learnt cooking, time management, balancing study and work, financial management and most importantly how to work to achieve a goal. Eventually, I have learnt that hard work with planning never goes waste. 

If I had come to this far, anyone could reach their goal with some planning and hard work. If you have time, read my student journey here

I have come to Australia from non-English speaking background, I do struggle with this limitation when trying to express my thoughts but I think that this will fade away as the blog posts increase.

Why blog?

When I moved to Australia, I did not know anyone here and had difficulty in finding the basic information. Even now, when you search you find government websites for information. No information about the real life in Australia for a student?  

As a student, I had many concerns and doubts about studies, life after study and career development. After I have finished my studies in year 2009, I thought of creating a blog to provide basic information for a student like me.  However, I could not continue with the idea.  Recently, I thought I have gained enough experience in the field of Accounting and also can present my experiences well to current and prospective students.

Being from a small village background, I like frugal and simple living. This living has helped me to settle down in Australia with no outstanding education debts, support family and lead peaceful life. So I give some tips on what I learnt through my experience spending less by not compromising your lifestyle.

I believe how much I earn is not important; how much I save and live within means does matter to me.  I strongly believe in this and Australia made me experience this. I believe financial education should start from your college to help you plan properly. All these thoughts gave me an idea to start blogging again.

Who this blog helps:

This blog helps for students who want to know basic information about studies and life in Australia. This blog has job information, student jobs/internships, work from home opportunities and many more.  I also write about some of my interests in financial planning and career development in accounting profession.

Where do I get information for the blog?

Most of the information on this blog is my personal experiences living in Australia. I am a member of two professional organisations.  I read books and articles about my career on regular basis. I always believe information accompanied by a story is more reliable than the information by itself.

Comments Policy

I would love to hear from you through comments. This keeps me going to provide you more information. I am trying to help someone who are looking for information and all the information provided is from my perspective. So I request you to be considerate while you leave comments in this blog.

If you want me to address something, in particular, am happy to hear from you and will try my best to address the topic.

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Hope you enjoy my blog!

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