52+ websites to find jobs in Australia

Looking for job right now? These are the 52+ Australian websites that offer jobs to international students and people looking for work full time or part time. When I came as a student, I was [...]


Top 10 steps to get a job in Australia within a month of search

Are you looking for casual, full time or part time jobs in Australia? Tired of applying for jobs?  Frustrated? Do not know anyone, who can help you? If you are looking for answers for all these [...]


Top 10 skills you should consider developing before moving to Australia as a student

Skills, skills, skills! These are very important along with your study. Many students after they arrive here, work hard for $5 to $10 an hour to earn their living expenses. Guys, you all can do [...]


Internship opportunities for students in Australia

Are you looking to work in your field of study? Thinking of internships to get through the doors of corporate world?  Are you wondering how you can get through visa restrictions, if you are an [...]


What is the difference between Medicare and Private Health Insurance? Top things to know before having Private Health Insurance.

I knew the importance of having a Private Health Insurance in India, but was always confused with Australian System. This is all because of Medicare and the way the hospital works in this [...]