Types of visa pathways to migrate to Australia

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There are three major visa categories people choose to migrate to Australia namely student visa, employer sponsored and Permanent Residency Visas. Not all of them from these visas settle down permanently in Australia.

There are some who visit the country to accomplish their purpose as per the visa and go back to their country.

I came here on a student visa after working for an year in India. If I had proper guidance, I would have stayed back to gain more experience and migrate on a permanent visa. I brought this article to bring my opinion on student, employer sponsored and permanent residency visa.


Let’s get in detail:


 Student visa:

Student visa is granted under subclass 500 and the details are found here.


There are number of advantages migrating to Australia as a student. I am a firm believer in it. I came here as a student and learnt many things, which I was not exposed to earlier. It may be from understanding the society, money and time management, improving myself to a better person to living independently. 

You will grow from the ground level with self-experience. This makes you strong physically and mentally by the end of your course.


You have to juggle with so many things at the same time. It can be from paying your tuition fee, searching for casual jobs to meeting your ends meet. This is apart from managing your studies. So you have to handle a good amount of stress all the time until you settled down the way you wanted.

Apart from this, if you have plan to settle down permanently; need to keep up with the immigration rules. This is a very stressful life and test your patience to the peaks. If you are ready for a challenge for life and prove yourself, it is for you. 


My experience as a student in Australia

I faced challenges initially in finding the job, accommodation and time management. Once I got control of them, it was a smooth flow but with lot of time management. I was very focused on my job and studies because I had to pay my own tuition fee. Every cent counted and had to save every cent earned to meet my living and education expenses. I was on a mission for three years until I got my permanent visa. It may not be the same for all students on student visa. My situation demanded me to be like that. 


Job finding is the major hurdle for students initially. 

Managing exams, assignments and job requires time management skills. 

These articles may help you:

52+ websites help you find job in Australia

How to write a job winning resume


Employer Sponsored visa:

This is one of the best visas I believe to migrate to any country. This visa is granted by employer to work onsite (overseas) location of the company. In 2019, this visa is called Temporary Skills Shortage Visa. Every cost is paid by the company including air tickets, accommodation and food allowances. After you arrive to the destination country, you can look for options to migrate permanently or live and work as long as your sponsorship is granted from the employer


Pros: You are more relaxed on this visa. No need to worry about living costs or any other expenses.

Your thoughts are only filled with what places to visit over the weekends and how to enjoy with friends on the weekday evenings. This visa allows you to expose to different work culture and boosts your resume with valuable experience. 

It may be easy for you to secure another job with another company if they are willing to sponsor or you may look for opportunities to settle down in that country.  



You are bound to the decisions of the employer. It all depends on your job and the experience you held. You may be pulled back anytime at the discretion of the employer. There is not enough control on this visa.

You may not be exposed to the multicultural society (outside work) as much as the student visa holder is exposed to.

You may be underpaid by your employer for the qualification and experience you have.


Getting used to the new environment.

Culture change at work and outside.


Permanent Residency Visa:

You are the valuable resident of the country. This visa is granted to skilled or trades people in a particular field of study. Under this category, there are different visa numbers available depending on your preference, skills and experience. Find the list here.  

This visa is secured using the above two visa options. If anyone wants to settle in Australia, their ultimate goal is to secure this visa.

Some work hard for years to get this visa and some get it through smart work. You may come in the later category as you developed all the skills and experience required and migrated without much hassle.


You got visa on hand and with relevant skills and experience as per the skills in demand in Australia. It may not be hard to get job while you are in this category.

Number of employers prefer candidates with permanent residency visa that’s where the above two categories struggle to find job in Australia even though they have skills and knowledge. 

Once secured a reasonable job, then spending your time in exploring the country and searching entertainment relevant to your lifestyle.


If you do not have good communication skills, sometimes, this may act as a hurdle to find a job even though you are on PR visa.

It may take some time to settle down in Australia, as it is a new place with new culture. Takes time to make friends, adjust to work culture and other factors like child care, living independently and managing every chore on your own.


Initially finding Job without a local experience.

Culture change.

New environment.

Making new friends of your nature. 



Some of you have a plan to migrate to Australia with one of the above options, before taking the decision, just see which is more relevant depending on your qualification and experience.

If you have just completed your graduation and planning to study overseas, Student visa is more suitable than the other visas. If you are already working for more than 2 years, see whether you can try for employer sponsored or Permanent Visa. Whichever visa you have chosen, it is a new experience that adds positively to your professional or personal life (if chosen the right path).

All the best! Share your experience of arriving to Australia with any of the above visa category. 


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