Top Tips and Tricks to tackle scams in Australia

 In Current students, Student Corner

As you may know, Scam is a fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest person, group or a company to avail some money or something else of value. It could be anything ranging from your bank accounts to personal information. There are many scams across the world and Australia is not exception to it.

As new to Australia, you are busy in understanding the new environment, culture and making friends. During this process, it is sometimes overlooked by us for some good offers to believe to be true. Without having proper information, you may fall into someone’s trap. So be aware of scams and do not do things if you are not 100% sure.

Some of the scams that my friends and I came across.

Job Scams:

You get a random email saying that you have selected for a job in Australia (you have not even applied for it) with good remuneration and other benefits. It all looks professional. You may be excited reading the email. At the end of the application, they request you to send money to process the visa. They try to take advantage of your necessity. You may be tempted to pay. Before doing this, remember company employs people when they have budget for your remuneration and associated benefits. They do not request money from job applicants for any reason. So be aware with this type of scams. Don’t believe it. I will let you know how to avoid this type of scams at the bottom of the article.

ATO Scams:

Australian Taxation Office calls you and say that you have to pay a huge bill to ATO immediately otherwise you will be prisoned. This is another scam that scares many people especially when you are new in Australia. I got call from various numbers relating to this scam. I didn’t believe this, because I paid my tax on time and got a confirmation about it. Even if you didn’t pay your tax, just remember that there is a procedure from ATO to tackle it not by prisoning people. So be brave and do not fall in the trap of scammer.

Accident Scams:

You will get a call from a weird number and says that somebody from your family met with an accident and need you credit card details. This is another scam that tries to steal your credit card details. Don’t be panic with this type of calls. I have received couple of calls some time back using this plea.

Lottery winning scams:

You get a random email from a lottery Department saying that you won millions of dollars with an attachment or information request. To claim, it will ask you to provide your name and banking details.

One of our friends was hit by this scam when he was new to Australia. He provided his banking details; within a day; there were millions of dollars laundered from and to his account. The bank informed the police and he had to step into police station to prove himself innocent. So, be aware with these scams.

How to identify them:

  1. Too good to believe: Most of the scams are too good to believe. They say you work less than an hour and we pay you $500. This is hard to believe as money would not be earned that easy. So research before you accept this type of offers.


  1. Company names and details are suspicious: Usually the scam emails do not have proper company names and the details of the company are not shown on Google. If they use an existing company; make sure you call the company and ask about the offer you have received.

One more indication is the scam companies or websites do not have ‘About us’ page. Type company name and ‘scam’ next to it; you will find any scams that are linked with the name of the company in Google.


If any job offer request you to deposit money, then it is 100% fake and ignore it straightaway. Some ask your banking details; you can skip this and tell them that you provide later once you start the job. Remember, there is no compulsion to provide bank details before offering or starting the actual work.


  1. Email addresses are created with Yahoo or Gmail Account: No company accounts are created using Yahoo or Gmail Accounts. If you see a person representing a company sent an email from Gmail or yahoo or any social email account; then think about the credibility of the information. Do further research to ensure that you are dealing with the right people and the company.
  2. Spelling mistakes in the emails: In some scams, the emails are written with bad spelling and job name is not correctly written and this provides you an indication of a scam.
  3. Telephone calls with serious consequences: Telephone calls saying about that your family is met with an accident and need your credit card details. If somebody from your family is hurt in real, they first provide you the name of the hospital and its location. Once you reach there and visit the patient; then the details of the payments creep in. If you receive any calls that does not make sense, then disconnect them.

Some say that you need to pay a bill immediately otherwise you will be prisoned. This is another type of calls that you should be aware; no company in Australia or worldwide put you in jail for not paying a bill. If you have a doubt about it; call the company directly and find out about your claim.

How to avoid them

Whenever you receive any call or email about the things that are too good/bad to believe; then discuss with your friends or known people around you. You will find some leads about it. Alternatively, you can request them their company details, what their operating hours are? Perform your research at the background; you will find information good, bad or ugly about the company. If it is a call; ask for the number and tell them you will call later.

What to do after identification:

If it is an existing company; inform the company immediately that they are some scams going on with their name. For example, recently scammers were calling themselves Australian Taxation Office representatives. Call ATO first and find out whether there was any call for your number. If not, let them know the call you have received from and provide the number, date and time.

This educates them and alert other customers about the scam happening.


Scams are everywhere and the list is endless. Be aware and cautious. Digital world is like two-edged sword.  It has good number of pros and cons, how to use it is our option. I hope now you know how to tackle them.

I shared my experience and you share your experiences (bitter or sweet) in the comments section.

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