Planning and Determination leads to your desired success. Meet Mr. Reddy to know about his experience as a student in Australia

 In Student Interviews

Every student’s experience is unique in Australia. Some settle down in Australia as a Permanent Resident and some go back to their country to pursue further dreams and others drop out from studies and return home. However, success follows only those who have demonstrated strong determination, discipline and dedication towards their goal. I would like to bring the experience of Mr Reddy who had successfully completed his studies and got Permanent Residency recently. Let’s congratulate him and ask him questions how he achieved it:


  1. Please introduce yourself (Mention your name, what are you doing currently and where you live in Australia)

Hello, I am Rakesh Reddy. I moved to Australia from India in 2014. It was a great experience since then I started pursuing my studies in Masters of Networking at  Federation University, Melbourne. I got my permanent residence in the year 2017. I am working as a data administrator at AMT Group Australia, Sydney.


  1. Tell us briefly about your student visa process and your arrival in Australia?

The visa process was done by myself by taking inputs from previous students and online research. I found a good consultant for my University. As you have to mind this one, that there are particular consultants who have continuous relationships with particular University. Not every consultant is good at bringing you admission into the university you are looking after. After all, a degree in a University is different to an institute which varies with exposure to industry internships and lab practices. That is why institutes are cheaper than universities.


  1. What course have you completed in Australia and When?

I have done my Masters in Networking from Federation University Australia at Melbourne. I have completed my course in the year 2015.


  1. How long did you take to find your first part-time job and what strategies have you implemented to achieve it?

It was a tough time in Melbourne, where I have very fewer contacts to find a part-time job. I am lucky enough to find one as a retail assistant after 2 weeks. Online search and applying through Gumtree made it easier to find a part-time job in Melbourne.


  1. Was the income from the part-time job was sufficient to cover your tuition fee and living expenses? Please explain in detail.

It wasn’t really sufficient in the first instance. But after my first semester, I have found a proper job with the help of my friends at Uni. Then and after it was easy for me to pay for my semester fees as well. I also used to work full-time during summer break which saved me money for my semester fees. Ultimately, I was able to cover all my expenses and pay my semester fees by being on good terms with my manager at work and with my friends. But we have to keep on trying our best at every situation to overcome all the challenges as an overseas student.


  1. What was your routine day as a student?

Student life in Australia is different to Australians and foreign ones. Where myself being a foreign student, I have to balance my studies as well as a part-time job. I used to work 4 days a week. Where I return to work straight away from uni some evenings. Weekends are the best possible days to cover up my studies and assignments. Hanging out with friends is pretty much less during weekends as everyone is busy at jobs and studies. But we used to have lots of fun at Uni classrooms. Where we also discuss our daily life challenges and support each other.


  1. Did you have any academic problems in completing the course, if yes how did you overcome them?

Fortunately, I am successful at completing all my subjects. I have to give up my job during and before exams. As it is the top priority for me to focus on about my academics. I was having a very good network of fellow students and friends by sharing information and research stuff.


  1. What was your secret(s) to finish your studies successfully?

Being an overseas student from India, considering my family background and expectations, I have to continuously focus and study or work with determination by eliminating unnecessary stuff that takes my time out of which I was meant to do in during my academics was the best thing I always used to remember and it helped me to overcome and complete my academics successfully.


  1. What were your priorities after completing studies in Australia?

My priorities are about getting permanent residency and find a good job.


  1. Which English exam did you undertake (IELTS, PTE or any other)? What was your strategy to score 8 in the exam?

I have given PTE. My score was 8, as it was achieved by continuous practice and implementing exam strategies to score well during the exam.


  1. What were your trials to get the first professional job or setting up a business?

My first trail is after finishing my internship. So I was exposed to Australian work culture. This has helped me attending interviews and able to face the work environment. It was after 3 interviews I got a first professional job.


  1. What advice do you have for prospective students?

A continuous determination of the goals which were set by can make us be successful being a student as well as in our real life.

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