Planning and preparation is important in job search – Vivian Zhang
Finding job is one of the major challenges for an international student. Only some overcome this with proper planning, determination and perseverance. I am going to bring an interview of Vivian Zhang who completed her studies, works part time as an IELTS teacher while working as an Intern at one of the largest networks of Health. Let’s dive in and find some tips on how she did it.
1. Please introduce yourself (your background, when you moved to Australia, education and what are you studying now/ what you completed)
I graduated from the University of Sydney in 2019 with Master of Commerce degree. I moved to Australia in 2017.
2. Tell us briefly your first experience in searching for job?
I started to search for an Assistant Accountant role in 2018 to get some real-work experience when I was studying at uni. I have got it in the Property Industry. Initially, it was quite challenging to manage part time job and studies. Eventually I have applied strict time management skills and those helped me to get myself into routine. However I strongly say it is rewarding by applying the knowledge into the workplace. I feel more confident now and looking forward to step up my career by gaining valuable work skills.
3. What was the first outcome?
The preparation I did pre-interview really helped me to succeed in my first attempt.
4. Did you had to make any changes to your resume after you moved to Australia? if so, did anyone helped you in doing so?
Yes, I did. I have got some help and tips from the career office at university. Thanks to my university.
5. Was there any change in your strategy when you were unsuccessful first time? If you are successful in first attempt, ignore this question.
Luckily, I was successful in my first attempt. I believe preparation is the key and believing in yourself is another great trait you should have while attending interviews.
6. How many hours did you spend on applying for jobs? Did you search in any other specific sites except seek and Indeed?
It took me 3-4 hours to do the research about the company. And I spent 2-3 hours practicing interview questions. I used LinkedIn along with other job search portals.
7. What was your routine while applying for jobs? Example: apply only once a day or constant applying as soon as you see the new job ad.
I applied about 3-4 times a week.
8. How long did it take to get your first interview?
After applying for number of jobs, I was advised that I was selected for a role. Thereafter within two days, I was called for an interview. Since I have already researched about the company and well prepared with potential interview questions helped me to remain confident for the interview.
9. What was your preparation for the interview?
• Researched the company, including its culture, values, recent news, etc.
• Understood the criteria of the roles
• Prepared and practiced potential interview questions
10. What advice do you give to new students like you or people who are looking for jobs?
Understand how your experience and skills match the criteria of the role. If you think you lack a skill required for your job, learn that skill to make yourself ready for the job. Advice from others can also be very useful, but it is more important to be true to yourself.
11. How is student life in Australia? Any difference between your perception and reality?
Student’s life is challenging but rewarding. What’ve learned from university can be quite different from what we do at the workplace. Both are worthwhile to learn.
12. Do you have anything to add (that’s not addressed in the above questions) that may help prospective students?
Try to explore more and find out what you are really passionate about. You will be more motivated to do the things that you enjoy.
From Vivian’s experience, we have learnt planning, preparation and continuous effort is important to attain job in your field of study. Hopefully, this interview gave an insight how to make changes in your job search or indicating that you are in the right track in your job search. All the best in your job search!