How we get paid in Australia?
Payroll System in Australia
When I was granted Student Visa to Australia, I was more excited of travelling and fascinated by the image gallery of the University. I thought everything is as colorful as shown on the University website. My mind never thought beyond that. After coming to Australia, I started realizing slowly about the student life. I was not even quite sure how everyone gets paid here. I am sure if you are reading the post that means you want to know as well. So here is the information for you.
Australian employers pay wages weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Usually Casual, Seasonal, Temporary jobs are paid weekly. Permanent and fixed term contract employees get paid fortnightly or monthly.
This depends mostly on the company you work for. I get paid fortnightly as I work for an Australian employer and my husband gets paid monthly as his company is an Multi National Company based in US.
Most of the companies try to pay in the mid week ie on Wednesday or Thursday. I don’t know exactly the reason behind this. May be because the shops are open for longer hours on Thursday and handy for shoppers to have their pay for shopping.
The national minimum wages in Australia is $18.29 per hour for the year 2018 as per Fair Works Commission of Australia. Casual employees covered by this wage also get 25% extra on the normal rate. The rate per hour is double if you work on Sunday and public holidays.
Some employers pay very less than the minimum, this is illegal in Australia. However, this practice is in continuation by many small businesses until it gets noticed by the Government.
Ensure you are not exploited by your employer or work. You have a right to ask for more pay if you are working less than your pay.
As a student, you get jobs on casual basis and sometimes as a part time contract employee. The fixed term contract allows you to have sick, annual or study leaves as per your award.
When I came to Australia in the year 2006 as a student, I was paid $18.00 per hour in my first job as a temporary contract employee on weekly basis. Based on your experience and qualifications, it increases from job to job. Some casual jobs pay you in the range of $12 to $30 per hour.
Hope the above information is useful and a bit of understanding of the salary system in Australia. One more thing to mention most of the employers pay directly into bank accounts. So have your bank account ready! Comment below on how much your first employer paid you.
Happy job search! Keep trying until you get your desired job.