Top 6 strong reasons to study in Australia

 In Student Corner

When I came as a student to Australia, I had very less information about student life in Australia. I had explored myself along the way. There was some good information and more of bad myths about student life. Luckily, I landed in a safe place and no unusual incidents were faced by me even though I travelled early mornings in winters and late nights for my work as a student on the public transport. I strongly believe Australia is one of the best places to study for the below reasons:

#1. Safe place for Students:

When you read newspaper these days you come across many incidents across the world re the shooting in schools, colleges and the public places. In that regards, Australia is very safe and secure place as long as you manage your own job. I don’t say it is 100% safe even when you travel in the middle of the night where you find strange wanderers. Avoid traveling alone in quiet places and try to have someone next to you especially during nights.

#2. Flexible Working Hours

Australia is a place to work in flexible times. Most of the jobs in Retail, Banking and Marketing are shift based. You can adjust your University timings accordingly and can work on the weekends by keeping yourself free on the days you have University to attend. I used to work 3 days a week and attend the University on the remaining 2 days of the week. This helped to balance my work and studies.

#3. Off- Campus Universities

There are some universities that offer off campus studies. For Example Federation University’s campus is located in Ballarat, Victoria but it has its affiliate colleges within the cities of Sydney and Melbourne. This is a great advantage for you to study in the major cities even though your University is located somewhere else. The Universities like Central Queensland University, La Trobe University and Deakin University etc. I have completed my studies from Federation University (then called University of Ballarat) with the same curriculum in Sydney. I would not had the same exposure if I had studied in Ballarat.

#4. Flexible study options

Most of the universities/ colleges have two to three classes for each subject held at different times of the week. So you have the option to select the class depending on your availability. When I was a student, I preferred the classes to attend in the evening so that I avoid peak train charges and more opportunity to meet new friends.

#5. Permanent Residency

Believe me you love being in Australia unless you have really bad experience. Australia is one of the few countries that is offering Permanent Residency and citizenship for the migrants. When I came as a student, I did not know what my next step was. I fell in love with Australia and wanted to settle down permanently. There I found that I can apply for permanent residency (PR). I was ready to work very hard to achieve it. I can strongly say one word ‘it’s all worth it’.  If you work in an organised way and honestly, there are great opportunities to settle down in Australia.

#6. Multicultural society

This country is a place for many nationalities, religions and cultures. So you don’t find yourself unique among the crowd. You find every skin type here, black, brown, white or pale so no discrimination or racism. Everyone treats others with respect and love. In other positive way, it helps you to explore yourself to other cultures and religions. Every University has space for every culture and events are held to celebrate the festivals of various countries.


I am sure you also fall in love with this country while you are studying and want to settle down after you complete your studies.  That’s what I did and pretty sure you do too..!


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